



Advanced Biotechnology Process to Control Fungal Diseases in Aquaculture
HetroNex helps to control fungal diseases caused by Fusarium sp., Lagenidium sp. and Saprolegnia sp. etc. in aquaculture ponds.

HetroNex provides a group of common, naturally occurring, non-pathogenic saprophytes that colonize soil and water environments to biocontrol fungal infections in aquaculture ponds.

HetroNex provides a group of motile, free-living organisms, can grow along the entire length of the pond system where they establish themselves as a barrier against pathogens.

Organisms provided in HetroNex have a rapid growth, sporulate abundantly and compete will with other unwanted soil microorganisms.

HetroNex is a unique biological formulation which remarkably controls numerous pathogens causing fungal diseases in aquaculture ponds there by providing benefit through increased survival, enhanced crop yield and safe natural ecosystem.

HetroNex with its spectrum of natural organisms suppress fungal diseases through both physical and chemical processes:

Physically by competitive exclusion of pathogens as the result of rapid colonization of the rhizosphere.

Chemically, protects by producing a number of secondary metabolites including antimicrobial agents (Gliotoxin and Viridian) and Siderophores.

Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens in appropriate concentration in a natural carrier with adjuvants.

Shrimp, Prawn and Fish aquaculture ponds: 5 Kg/acre or as advised by Aquaculture Consultant.

5.0 kg

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