
UltrOx Topical Liquid


UltrOx Topical Liquid

Oxytetracycline Topical Liquid

Description: UltrOx Topical Liquid is especially suitable for topical use, and for deposition in the uterine cavity.

Each ml contains
Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride I.P. : 50 mg.


Topical Use:
UltrOx Topical Liquid is indicated for the prophylaxis and topical treatment of susceptible localised cutaneous infections such as Pyoderma, Pustular dermatitis, Infected wounds, External otitis, Foot rot, Hoof infections, Castration, Docking, Harness sore, Yoke galls, etc.

Intrauterine Use:
UltrOx Topical liquid is indicated for the treatment and control of a wide range of bacterial infections of the reproductive tract caused by or associated with oxytetracycline sensitive organisms.

UltrOx Topical Liquid is stable and highly effective in the presence of serum, pus and other body fluids.

UltrOx Topical Liquid is indicated for specific and nonspecific infections of reproductive tract.

The following major conditions are effectively treated with UltrOx Topical Liquid - Metritis, Endometritis, Pyometra, Salpingitis, Cervicitis, Vaginitis, Vulvitis, Granular vulvo-vaginitis

UltrOx Topical Liquid is suitable for deposition into the uterine cavity after calving to prevent puerperal infections.

UltrOx Topical Liquid is suitable for treating oxytetracycline sensitive organisms causing transient form of infertility or sub fertility and repeat breeding in cows and buffaloes.

Administration and Dosage:

Topical Use:
Clean the wound carefully and apply directly or on gauze a little quantity of UltrOx Topical Liquid once or twice daily. Duration of treatment will depend on the nature and severity of the infection and may vary from a few days to few weeks.

Intrauterine Use:
Usually a dose of 10 to 30 ml of UltrOx Topical Liquid diluted with equal quantity of sterile water is recommended for intrauterine use (Use only diluted UltrOx Topical Liquid).

In severe infections the dose may be increased at the discretion of a Veterinarian.

Presentation: 60 ml and 100 ml

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