Product Background
- Minerals serve a variety of functions as both extra and intracellular components. Nutritional disorders caused by mineral deficiencies can impair the utilization of other nutrients, weaken the health of shrimp and fish, finally leading to diseases and or deformities.
- Soluble minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and chloride) function in osmoregulation, acid-base balance and in the production of membrane potentials.
- Osmoregulation is the maintenance of osmotic balance between body fluids and the water in which the animal lives. Osmoregulation helps in biochemical functions of minerals in aquatic species and is an important aspect controlled by mineral metabolism and their availability.
- Unlike terrestrial animals, which are primarily limited to a dietary source of minerals, aquatic animals may be able to utilize, to some extent, minerals dissolved in the water to meet physiological requirements. Essential Minerals play a vital role for better survival rate, wellbeing and better growth rate in both freshwater and saline water systems of aquaculture ponds.
- Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, selenium, zinc etc., are generally derived from the water to satisfy a part of the physiological requirements of aquatic animals.
Deficiency symptoms of minerals:
The deficiency of macro and micro minerals leads to the specific symptoms as may be seen through low feed utilization, impaired weight gain and lowered feed efficiency. These symptoms are very commonly seen whenever there is deficiency of macro and micro nutrients in the shrimp and fish feeds.
The following are the major deficiency symptoms:
Hence, nutritionally complete mineral balance is necessary in culture environment. Therefore, macro and micro nutrients must be supplied in adequate levels in a pre-prepared formulation to support optimal growth and production efficiency....AzoMax Liquid Concentrate.
AzoMax is a multi-macro and micro minerals formulation which plays a major role in various functions of body and growth for semi-intensive and intensive culture of shrimp and fish. The enriched trace minerals composition of AzoMax will have a significant impact on immune functions, disease resistance and relives stress for shrimp and fish.
In aquaculture ponds stress conditions can also affect the osmotic and ionic regulation in gills. AzoMax is helpful in reducing stress and enhancing disease resistance of shrimps and fishes in aquaculture.
AzoMax is advocated for use in aquaculture ponds for mineral supplementation and as a pond water treatment to stimulate plankton growth and proliferation of pond probiotics.

Liquid concentrate provides both Macro and Micro Minerals - Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Sulphur, Chloride, Silicon, Manganese, Copper, Cobalt, Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium, Molybdenum, Aluminium, Boron, Vitamin B12, Biotin and Folic acid.
Dosage and Application:
For use in Shrimp ponds:
During pond preparation: 5-10 lit/ac.
During culture: 2-3 lit/ac once in every 15 days.
For use in Fish ponds: 1-2 lit/ac.
Application procedure: Broadcast uniformly throughout the pond after dilution in about 100 liters of water or as advised by Aquaculture Consultant.
For use in Feed: 10-20 ml / kg feed.
1.0 Lit and 5.0 Lit.