BloatFree is an effective and safe antibloat formulation. BloatFree contains Silica in Dimethicone, a proven scientific formulation for the treatment of bloat.
BloatFree is easy to administer and has rapid onset of action.
Each 100 ml Contains
Simethicone IP (as Simethicone Emulsion USP) :1%
Excipients: Dill oil, Soya Lecithin
Bloat of all kinds, including frothy bloat.
BloatFree acts rapidly and works as an emergency drug in cases of serious bloat, tympany and tympanites.
Administration & Dosage
Cattle and Buffaloes :100 ml (Twice a day)
Sheep and Goats : 20 ml (Twice a day)
Administer by drenching or with the help of stomach tube
Cattle and Buffaloes :100 ml
Sheep and Goats : 20 ml
Administered into the rumen through the left paralumbar fossa by using cannula or a long needle
Note: BloatFree may be diluted in equal quantity of water to increase the bulk.
Presentation:100 ml