



Complete Vitamin Premix for Commercial Broilers

CompliVite range of feed supplements ensures poultry to receive vitamins in fully utilizable forms and in the amounts needed for optimum health, productivity and product quality.

CompliVite range of feed supplements specifically developed to provide optimum nutrition for Poultry during their entire productive life through feeds. They include fortification levels that meet the vitamin needs of poultry for optimum health and productivity in real time situation.

CompliVite range of feed supplements are as good as their components, including vitamin product forms, others like preservatives, antioxidants and carriers used for manufacture.

CompliVite range of feed supplements has the following Characteristics.

  • Potency: The right potencies make it practical, convenient and economical to provide the intended recommended fortification levels in the feed.

  • Chemical Stability: Stabilized vitamin product forms and additional amounts of vitamins in CompliVite range of feed supplements make sure that the vitamins are present in the feed after it is manufactured.

  • Positional Stability (Uniform Dispersion): Vitamin product forms disperse uniformly throughout the premix and finished feed; they do not rise to the top or fall to the bottom. This enables the birds receive the vitamins in the required amounts whether it consumes 10 grams or 110 grams of feed per day.

  • Bioavailability: CompliVite range of feed supplements is highly bioavailable, which means they will be utilized by the bird in its metabolic functions, not excreted.

  • Convenient packaging and labeling: CompliVite range of feed supplements are packaged in multi-layered triple laminated moisture resistant sachets.

  • Good manufacturing practices: Good manufacturing practices are used in manufacturing CompliVite range of feed supplements.

  • Highest standards of Quality performance: CompliVite range of feed supplements is tested to ensure that they meet the highest standards of quality and performance.
Each 500 gm contains
Vitamin A12.5 MIU
Vitamin D33.0 MIU
Vitamin E12.0 gm
Vitamin K31.5 gm
Vitamin B1215 mg
Vitamin B11.5 gm
Vitamin B27.5 gm
Vitamin B62.0 gm
Niacin15.0 gm
Calcium Pantothenate10.0 gm
Folic Acid0.5 gm
Biotin50.0 mg

Mixing Ratio: 500 gm per ton of Feed

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  • Address
  • Neospark Drugs and Chemicals Private Limited Corporate Center,
    241, B.L. Bagh, Panjagutta,
    Hyderabad- 500 082,
    Telangana, India.

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