HydroFloc Properties:
- Improves feeding performance in shrimp and prawn.
- Advanced formulation to reduce toxin compounds.
- Stabilizes alkalinity and balances pH fluctuations.
- Effective separation of solids from liquids.
- Minimizes free ammonia in pond water.
- No residue and is environmental friendly.
- Works in fresh and salt water.
HydroFloc Advantages:
Juvenile shrimp are considered to be particulate feeders, whether feeding on processed feed or natural sources of plankton. The use of flocculants, HydroFloc, in pond water has shown to improve feeding and performance in shrimp, as organic particles such as algae and bacteria are aggregated and made available for consumption (Moss, 1995; Tacon et al., 1999).
Application of HydroFloc to pond water makes the particles to adhere to one another producing larger particles which settle out quickly, causing the pond water turbid free.
Use of HydroFloc nutralises the toxicity of ammonia, detoxifies toxic iron contents of bore waters and there by prevents frequent plankton crash in aquaculture ponds by improving water quality.
Usage instructions:
For use in Aquaculture Feeds: 5-10 gm / kg feed
For use in Aquaculture Ponds: 1-2 kg per acre or as advised by Aquaculture consultant.
Application procedure:
Mix in 50 lits of water and broadcast uniformly throughout the pond.
Unique combination of Ametox, Dodecyl Sodium Sulphate, Edetic Acid and Hydrated Sodium Allumino Silicate (HSAS).
Presentation: 1 kg and 5 kg.
For Servicing Aquaculture Industry (Including Academic and Research Institutions, Universities etc.
Technological Feed Additive for use in Aquaculture