



Nonyl Alkyl Phenoxy Poly Ethylene Oxide lodine Complex with 1.75% available iodine

Iodine has been in use for several years by virtue of its excellent antimicrobial activity against a wide range of micro-organisms which include bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa. But elemental iodine as such has few limitations like its low solubility in water, lack of residual germicidal activity, irritant vapors, corrosive nature etc.

Iodophors (controlled iodine releasing complex)
Iodophors carry all the iodine in a complex form, thereby leaving small concentrations of free iodine in the solution. This property helps to reduce the drawbacks associated with the presence of elemental iodine i.e. high toxicity, high level of irritation and staining property. Iodophors retain the germicidal action, but not the undesirable properties of iodine.

Advantages of Iodophors over other sanitizers

  • Broad-spectrum germicide- bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal
  • Controlled release of iodine ensuring long lasting effect
  • It features versatile properties of a cleaner, disinfectant, sanitizer and a deodorizer
  • Not affected much by organic matter, water hardness and pH
  • No potable water rinse required after sanitizing equipment with IodoSpark
  • Non-staining, non-corrosive, relatively non-toxic, non-irritating at user dilutions
  • Self indicative of effectiveness by color index
  • Safe, effective and economical

Iodine I.P: 1.75% w/v as alpha-(p-Nonyl Phenyl)-omegahydroxypoly
(oxyethylene)-iodine complex

Mode of action: Microbicidal property of IodoSpark is by the iodination of lipids and oxidation of compounds in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of the microbes leading to disruption of the structural integrity of the organism and thereby killing it.

Dose and methods of use

To disinfect hard, inanimate non-porous surfaces
Prior to disinfection, all animals and their feeds must be removed from the premises. This includes emptying all troughs, racks and other feeding and water appliances. Remove all dung, urine etc. from floors, walls and other surfaces occupied or traversed by animals. For heavily soiled areas, a thorough preliminary cleaning is required. Use a dilution of 4 ml of IodoSpark per liter of water and apply to walls, floors and other hard, inanimate non-porous surfaces such as tables, chairs, countertops, tiles, porcelain etc. with a cloth, mop or mechanical coarse spray device. When applied with a mechanical coarse spray device, surface must be sprayed until thoroughly wetted. Treated surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. Do not house animals or employ equipment until treatment has been absorbed, set or dried.

Udder and teat hygiene
A solution containing 8 ml of IodoSpark per 5 liters of water is used to wash the udder and teats both for pre- and post-milking. Splash this solution on to the udder and teats prior to milking and leave for around 15 seconds (then wipe it with a cloth) and then milk the cow. It is important that the teats are clean and dry before milking. After milking, the solution could be splashed over the teats (and left to air dry) which acts as a seal thus preventing the entry of organisms through the teats into the udder.

For sanitizing dairy equipment and utensils Wash the equipment to be sanitized. Rinse and allow to drain. Prepare a solution by mixing 8 ml of IodoSpark in 5 liters of water. Immerse equipment (milking claws, liners, teat cups) into solution; make sure all the surfaces are in contact with the solution for at least 1-2 minutes. Washed milk cans should be finally sanitized using this solution.

Allow to air dry. Prepare a fresh solution if sanitizing solution fades noticeably or becomes diluted or soiled. IodoSpark is its own indicator of germicidal activity. The amber or yellow color shows the presence of the active ingredient, iodine.

Sanitizing livestock drinking water
Add 4 ml of IodoSpark per 5 liters of drinking water to fight water-borne pathogens.

Shoe bath sanitizer
Disinfection of shoes/foot wear prior to entering animal areas is critical to prevent pathogens from entering the animal premises. Scrape shoes off the dirt and debris and place in the footbath (20  25 ml of IodoSpark per liter of water) for 30 seconds prior to entering area.

Hand sanitizing
Wash hands thoroughly, prior to sanitizing. Immerse hands in a solution containing 8 ml of IodoSpark per 5 liters of water.

As a deodorizer
IodoSpark destroys many odors as it sanitizes and disinfects. Swab surfaces with a solution of 4 ml of IodoSpark per liter of water. Allow treated surfaces to air dry.


  • Do not use IodoSpark for cleaning copper or brass utensils.
  • Do not use hot water for making solutions of IodoSpark.
  • Colour Index: Diluting IodoSpark in water gives yellow / amber color, and change of this color indicates that the cleaning property is lost. Make fresh solution again.

Presentation : 5.0 liter.

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  • Neospark Drugs and Chemicals Private Limited Corporate Center,
    241, B.L. Bagh, Panjagutta,
    Hyderabad- 500 082,
    Telangana, India.

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