



Oral Fly Amelioration Concept

OraFac offers the effective and convenient solution to help in the elimination of flies in poultry premises. OraFac is fed through feed and the components of OraFac get uniformly distributed on the litter through the droppings of the bird. The Phytogenic Bioactive Compounds (PBCs) and natural microbes in OraFac interfere and negatively affect the fly life cycle.

Fly Control
Flies are a problem for poultry principally through annoyance which can increase stress levels and consequently reduce productivity in birds. Flies spread disease, filth and are a threat to farm productivity. Another equally important problem associated with fly menace is the social issue, as it causes nuisance and disturbance to the people in the vicinity of farm premises. Hence fly control should be an integral part of every poultry producers management program.

Fly Breeding Characteristics
Houseflies reproduce at an extremely high rate relative to other species of flies. Females lay oval, white eggs on moist litter, excrement and garbage, preferably that is exposed to light. A female lays approximately 500 eggs throughout her life. The female will deposit these eggs in 5 to 6 batches over a course of 3 to 4 days. Females can lay all their eggs after fertilization by just one male.

ln caged layer houses the manure is a very good location for breeding. In houses where sanitation is poor and where water spills keep the manure moist, fly breeding takes place. The house fly prefers sunlight and is a very active fly which crawls over filth, people, and food. Because of these habits it is the most important species from the standpoint of spreading human and poultry diseases and fly-specking of eggs.

Active Ingredients:
OraFac provides Beneficial microbes, Phytogenic Bioactive Compounds and Extracts for synergistic fly control.


  • Effective in elimination of flies
  • Improves litter condition
  • Easy to use and administer

Usage Recommendations: OraFac is to be mixed in poultry feed @ 500 gm per ton of feed.

Presentation: 1.0 kg

OraFac + BicoFim

OraFac gives best results in the elimination of flies from the poultry premises along with the use of BicoFim.

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  • Neospark Drugs and Chemicals Private Limited Corporate Center,
    241, B.L. Bagh, Panjagutta,
    Hyderabad- 500 082,
    Telangana, India.

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