
SpectraSol-DFM GTH


SpectraSol-DFM GTH

Holistic Approach for Healthy Gut

Gut Maturation and Colonization in Chicks

Avian gut undergoes major changes in physical maturation in the first week of chicks life. The establishment of an intestinal microflora population is essential for early intestinal development. Along with the morphological changes, the composition of microbial colonies which gets established in the Gut is an important determinant of the health and performance of birds.

Colonization in Small Intestine

The proportional growth of small intestine is greater than that of body weight and peaks during 6-10 days post-hatch. Microbial colonies of the Gut are acquired post hatch from the environment, feed and water to which the chicks are exposed. Gut Colonization starts post hatch and by 14 days the microbial colony in the small intestine gets established.

Gut Health

Events occurring at early age have significant impact on the production performance of birds. They affect the morphological development, the functional development and the immunological development of the Gut.


SpectraSol-DFMGTH is a consortium of selected beneficial microbes in water soluble formulation to positively enhance Gut Health in poultry. SpectraSol-DFMGTH helps to improve health and production performance in birds.

Early Exposure with Beneficial organisms
Spray Exposure of chicks with SpectraSol-DFMGTH at hatchery introduces beneficial gut microbes for a healthy gut and immune system.
Drinking water with SpectraSol-DFMGTH, especially for the first two weeks helps to ensure Gut health and production efficiency in birds.

SpectraSol-DFMGTH - Mode of Action:
The Direct Fed Microbials in SpectraSol-DFMGTH have multi-dimensional spectrum of activity in improving gut health of poultry.

SpectraSol-DFMGTH Benefits:

SpectraSol-DFM GTH provides Pediococcus acidilactici, Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus spp., Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.

Usage Recommendation:
Mix 1.0 gm SpectraSol-DFM GTH per litre of drinking water to provide a concentration of 6.0 x 108 CFU per litre or as recommended by the consultant veterinarian.

Regular Use:
Mix SpectraSol-DFM GTH @ 1.0 gm per 50 birds in drinking water.

Spray on chicks:
1.0 gm per 100 chicks mixed in 10-20 ml water and sprayed in the chick boxes at hatchery before transportation.

100 gm, 500 gm, 1.0 kg.

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  • Neospark Drugs and Chemicals Private Limited Corporate Center,
    241, B.L. Bagh, Panjagutta,
    Hyderabad- 500 082,
    Telangana, India.

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