Poultry Feed and Utilization:
Feed constitutes 60 to 70 percent of the total cost of production. Feed cost is the major constraint but offers opportunity to manipulate production cost and improve profitability in poultry production. Dietary fibre is a barrier to digestion as birds do not have enzymes to break down fibre completely and need exogenous enzymes in feed to aid digestion.
The indigestible fraction of feed is the fraction that are either totally undigested or incompletely digested by birds. The indigestible fraction could be up to 20% of the feed given to birds and includes Non-Starch Polysaccharides-Cellulose, Arabinoxylans, Beta glucans; lignin, Phytate, nutrients bound by indigestible fraction, Anti-nutritional factors.
Digestion is negatively affected due to
- Anti-Nutritional Factors
- Non-availability of enzymes in poultry gut
- In-sufficient secretion of auto-enzymes by bird
Non starch Polysaccharides (NSP):
Non starch polysaccharides (NSPs) are carbohydrate fractions excluding starch and free sugars. NSPs are the plant structural analogues of the skeletal system of animal kingdom. The non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) present in cereals and cereal by products are not readily digested in birds due to the absence of the required enzyme activities. Besides nutrient loss, undigested NSP interfere with feed digestibility and intestinal physiology.

Anti-nutritive effects of NSPs on birds
1. Increased gut viscosity
The water-soluble fraction of NSP significantly contribute to increase in intestinal viscosity. The arabinose branches provide NSP with soluble properties. The effects of endogenous enzymes secreted by the bird is reduced resulting in net reduction in nutrient absorption.
2. Cage-Effect
NSPs exhibit a so called Cage-Effect through which they entrap and prevent the access of endogenous enzymes thereby inhibiting the digestion of otherwise normally highly digestible nutrients such as starch, fat and protein.
3. Increased endogenous loss and mucus production
NSPs affect intestinal secretory processes and cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The inflamed intestine has reduced absorptive capacity resulting in net nutrient loss and increased production cost. Due to their irritant effects, NSPs cause inflammation in the gut and increase the demand for amino acids.
4. Negative effects on gut microbiota
NSPs contribute to the non-digestible fraction which act as substrate for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. They disturb the beneficial microbes and negatively affect the gut ecology.
SynerZyme-NSP is an advanced formulation of Synergistic Enzymes to improve digestion and utilization of nutrients in feed. SynerZyme-NSP is a multi-activity feed enzyme with Phosphorus Accelerating Factors formulated to enable better nutrient utilization from feed and produce high quality eggs, meat with lower total costs.
Enzymes Enzymes are highly effective biological catalysts capable of accelerating chemical reactions multiple folds.
Digestion is negatively affected due to
- To overcome the adverse effects of antinutritional factors
- Favour improved digestion of dietary components
- Improve Bird performance
Benefits of SynerZyme-NSP:

Releases nutrients encaged by NSP:
Releases nutrients encaged by NSP Cage-effect is constituted by the locking in of nutrients in the cell lumen by NSP of the cell walls. As endogenous enzymes could digest only the nutrients trapped inside and not the outer cell wall, the encaged nutrients are unutilized and excreted in the droppings. SynerZyme-NSP digests the cell wall NSP and enables the endogenous enzymes gain access to the nutrients for improved feed utilization.

Compensates insufficient endogenous enzymes
SynerZyme-NSP supports endogenous enzymes in digestion of proteins and carbohydrates. The digestive system of post hatch chicks is functionally immature. Though amylase and protease are endogenously secreted, exogenous supplementation has proved to increase the utilization efficiency of feed, especially in young birds and when multiple feed ingredient sources are included in the feed.

Reduces digesta viscosity and loose droppings
Soluble components of NSP increase viscosity of gut contents. High viscosity of the digesta is associated with increased water adsorption by the gut contents manifested externally as loose droppings. Reduction in foregut digesta viscosity is through reducing the molecular weight of the components through hydrolysis of NSP backbone by SynerZyme-NSP into smaller compounds.
Improves gut microflora balance
Gut contents with high viscosity constituted by the undigested fraction of the feed is a substrate for harmful microbes. The pathogens proliferate, disrupting gut health and suppress the growth of beneficial microorganisms. SynerZyme-NSP reduces undigested fraction of gut contents in the intestine and improves gut microflora balance with increase in the colonization of beneficial microbes.

Improves feed efficiency, weight gain and production performance SynerZyme-NSP breaks down the NSPs, decreases intestinal viscosity and improve the digestibility of nutrients by improving gut performance. Better nutrient digestion and gut health improves the efficiency of feed utilization and favours reduction in production cost
Ingredients :
SynerZyme-NSP is a synergistic combination of Xylanase, Cellulase, ß-glucanase, Amylase and Proteases and PAF (Phosphorus Accelerating Factors).
Usage Recommendations:
500 gm SynerZyme-NSP is to be mixed in one ton of feed or as recommended by the Consultant Veterinarian.
Presentation: 25 kg